
STS Company Profile

Meet STS Team

Company Building

Who is STS

    STS is found in 1993 in Munich Germany and established in October 2013 in Dongguan China. STS is one of the world’s largest manufacturer of environmental laboratories and reliability brands. Our mission is to provide our highest quality equipment to global market.

STS Advantages

    From bench top to big walk-in chamber  ,STS  have professional knowledge, experience and chambers for your requirement. We offer many optional standard and non-standard chambers and solutions for meet customer’s testing requirements.

STS-work-Sheet metal cutting


    Reliability and long-term relationships with customers and partners are essential in all our business activities. We always aim to help you achieve your goals and deliver optimized industrial solutions specifically tailored to your needs.


Projects Done


Products Modes


Happy Clients


Service Countries

Company Album

factory top view
factory side view
factory back view
factory inner view
STS-work-Inner chamber assembly
STS-work-Welded copper pipe

Welcome to contatct with STS Test Solution Limited to get help!


Whether you need professional test chamber or professional test solution, let STS help you .

We will contact you within 1 working day, please pay attention to the email with the suffix “@ststestchamber.com”